Get to Know About Fridge and it's Repair Service
Freezers have become an essential component of our day-to-day life. They not only keep our food fresh but also help us store our food for a longer period of time. They come along with rules and regulations, which should be followed properly to help your fridge last longer. Here are a few things to know before choosing the freezer you desire. How long can your fridge last? The average life expectancy of a fridge or a freezer is supposed to be 16 years, but can also last up to 20 years if used properly. They are considered to be the longest-lasting kitchen appliances. There are several factors on which the longevity of a fridge can last like the quality of the fridge, maintenance and environmental factors. If proper care of the fridge is taken, it will surely keep the things cool for a longer period of time. How to estimate the life expectancy of your fridge? There are several factors on which life expectancy depends. Here are a few of the factors mentioned below. Quality: It ...